Rise Up

The Rise Up Project supports women of the African Diaspora. The Rise up project offers spiritual one-on-one wellness programs and group programs. These Spiritual Programs use various modalities including holistic approaches, ancestral healing work, Ritual work, and embodied practices to create a customized spiritual wellness rejuvenation and recovery plan for each individual and their specific desires and needs. The Rise Up Project spiritual wellness programs are offered quarterly both remotely as well as in person.This project aims to support African Heritage women by offering a customized spiritual wellness plan based on the individual’s specific needs as well as supporting research, therapy coordinations, and therapy referral processes that support and empower women of the African diaspora effectively and with the least amount of stress, gain access to professional trauma based therapist that are in alignment with their rejuvenation and self recovery plan. 

This project will be addressing the ways in which systemic racism and oppression oftentimes leaves African Heritage women spiritually depleted, and healing from intergenerational trauma as well as current trauma in their personal lives. The Rise Up project gives these women an opportunity to reach self recovery through reclaiming their connection to the earth, ancestors and spirit; cultivating brave courageous spaces for embodiment practices to take place, healing and empowering their voices and supporting their mental health liberation journey. This project helps reduce inter-generational trauma, and hopes to cultivate sustainable inter-generational healing.

If you’re an African Heritage Woman looking to work with me fill out the Google form here and I will get back to you with more information.

Limited number of free slots for 10 week program: email to get on the waitlist
60 minute weekly sessions for 10 weeks: $20-$150 per session, sliding scale.

Sponsor a participant for 10 weeks: $1,500